Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Assignment 1

We will start off with a simple assignment.

Imagine this: You wake up in the middle of the night and realise that your house is on fire. Which three items in your room will you grab with you before you escape from the fire? Why do you choose these three items?

1) Click on 'COMMENTS' at the end of this blog entry.
2) Type out your comments in good English (free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors).
3) Leave your full name (NO nicknames, please).
4) Click on 'PREVIEW' to check your comments.
5) If you are satisfied with what you have, click on 'PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT'.

And you are done!

Deadline: 8 April 2008, 10 pm


Anonymous said...

I will grab my 'PSP', my handphone and my wallet before I escape from the fire.
I will grab my 'PSP' so that I can play it when I am bored or when I have nothing to do.
I will grab my handphone and escape from the fire to call the fire engine and inform other people to stay away from my house as handphone is a useful technology deveice.
I will grab my wallet so that I can buy food or drinks when I feel like eating or drinking.
I really hope that there will be fire in my house.

From, Adam Aung Myin Mon (19)

Anonymous said...

Erm,Hi..I will grab my handphone,wallet and a thick towel.
I will grab my handphone because i can call for help.
I will grab my wallet as i can buy food.
I will grab a thick towel because i can use it to cover me when i run out of my house.
Okay,I am done,Bye

Anonymous said...

I will take amount of Money to survive la.Then Followed by my handphone to commmunicate and call for help T_T.
then i will take my passport or i card for identification just to be sure
K i am done rite if its not correct teacher please tell me .


rebecca heng said...

I would take my bible so that i can still be close to God.
I would take my handphone so that I can still keep in contact with my friends.
I would take my laptop so i can still blog.

rebecca heng wen xiu (2)

Anonymous said...

I will grab my idenfication card, my wallet and my handphone. I will take this items with me because they are important. Identification card to identify myself and it is an important thing. My wallet to buy food and water when I'm hungry. Hnadphone to contact the people close to me and talk to them when I'm bored.

From, Lim Yong Jie Darren(28)

Reedyoh said...

First i would take my passport,some money and my laptop.for my passport I need it for identification,some money for things hat i need to buy and for my laptop,i need it for communication and entertainment.

'ROCK ON 1D!!!YEAH!!!'

Anonymous said...

I will run out with my wallet; my hand phone and lastly, my family members. My wallet because its consists of ID card and money. I phone so that I can call the fire department. My family is equally and more important than the other 2 items, I would wake them up and tell them to keep calm and bring them out of the house safely.

P.S: I hope a fire will not break out in my house

DyLAn Wong yun fa (#22)

Anonymous said...

Firstly, i will grab for my handphone to call 995 for help.Secondly, i will rush to the toilet to get wet towels for my family.Lastly, i will wake my family members up and escape from the house.

Lim Yu Xuan Melissa(10)

Anonymous said...

I will grab my passport,handphone and wallet.
I will grab my passport in order to be identified if needed...
I will grab my handphone to call for help.
I will grab my wallet to buy food etc...

Kim Min Jee(5)

Bel said...

i would take my handphone to contact people , my parents .
I would also take my wallet so that if i was hungry i can buy food to eat or water to drink .
I would also take my identification card for identification purposes .

belinda .

Anonymous said...

I will grab my hand phone and wallet(wallet with money and identification card)and most immportantly my parents.
I will grab my handphone so that I can call the the police or anyone for help.
I will grab my wallet as i need money for transport and food because I will not be able to go back to my house immediately after a fire broke out there.
I will "grab" parents as they are very important to me. Without my parents i will also be very bored. afterall I am still a kid and I still need to be taken care of.

Rene ng Junyi(13)~.~

Anonymous said...

heyys!! okays let me do my work now..
i'll grab my handphone, wallet and my house keys. i'll grab my handphone because i'll need to cantact somebody about the fire and most impotantly is because somebody have touch it before.=x
i'll grab my wallet as i need my ez link card to go to my grandma house and stay. i still need some money to buy something to eat if i have not eat anything yet.
And most importantly is to grab the house keys. if not how can i get out of the house without the keys.And i hope this things won't happen to me.
yeahs!! finish.. =x
Lim Sherlene (o9)

Anonymous said...

i will grab my phone, wallet and passport

my phone-so that i can call the ambulance and alert my relatives that our house was on fire just now.

my wallet-i have my ez-link card and my money in it...

my passport-just in case, if i have to be identified for a reason.

Zilia Ng Yan Jie (12)

Anonymous said...

i will grab my personal documents , wallet and handphone. I can use my handphone for emergencies.
My personal documents for important use.My wallet will have money inside for me to buy food and drinks.

- Tressa Teo Ting Yu (16)

Anonymous said...

I will grab my handphone,wallet and psp.
I will garb my handphne because i need it to communicate.
I will grab my wallet to buy some food or any neccesities.
I will bring my psp because i can play it when i am bored.

From, Tan Chee Guan


If there was a fire in my house ,i would run out with my passport, my wallet(with money) and my family members{most important}.

I would grab my passport for identification purposes.

I would grab my wallet to buy food or drinks to survive.

And finally my family who are more important than the other two items as i would be as lonely as an orphan.

FROM,Wallace Wong Deming(38)

Anonymous said...

If my house is on fire, i will take my wallet as i will need money for food and transport.My identification card is usually kept in my wallet as well. I will also take my handphone to keep in communication with my family, friends and the fire department. i will surely not miss my laptop where all my important documents are saved.

From: Jolene!(18)

Anonymous said...

I will grab my handphone, my wallet and my passport.
I will grab my handphone so that I can call for help.
I will grab my wallet so that I will still have money to pay for necessary items.
I will grab my passport for identification.

Reedyoh said...

First i would take my passport,some money and my laptop.for my passport I need it for identification,some money for things that i need to buy and for my laptop,i need it for communication and entertainment.

'ROCK ON 1D!!!YEAH!!!'

Anonymous said...

First,I will take some money with me because money is essential for survival.Next,I will take my handphone as it allows me to communicate with other people that i need help from.Last but not least,i will take my passport as it helps by letting the people identify me if something happens to me.I hope there will be no fire accidents happening in my house...

Marcus Koa

Anonymous said...

I will grab my handphone,wallet and my water bottle filled with water. I will grab my handphone so that I can use it to call for emergency,wallet containing my identification card and to buy food with and lastly my water bottle filled with water because its the most essential thing to survive.

- Teo Jiamin(15)

Anonymous said...

I will grab my Wallet(with money) , my handphone and my idenitfication card

I will grab my wallet as when I am hungry I would use some money to buy some food

I would bring my handphone as I would be able to call for help

I would bring my identification card as when I am ask to identify myself I would show them my identification card

Anonymous said...

i will take my wallet and my live book only. because there were cash card,student passand my identification card credic card all inside it. i need my live book to go internet tell my parents what had happen and i do many other things on the internet like shopping,playing,reading and study.

Teoh Shun Jun said...

I will bring my wallet,handphone and my family members along with me before I escape from the fire.
I wil grab my wallet because it contains my money and my EZ-link card.
I will grab my handphone so that I can call the fire department to extinguish the fire.
My family members are as important as my two items so I definately bring them along with me.

Anonymous said...

I will grab my handphone so that i can contact my friends i will also grab my wallet as my ez-link and ic is inside i will also take my passport just in case. p.s i took 30 minuites to post this as i am not good with computers

Anonymous said...

erm..I will take my handphone,my
savings and my 'PSP'.
I will take my handphone because i want to contact my friends and someone.
I will take my savings because i need to spend on my needs.
I will take my 'PSP' because i would want to kill off time.
Well...thats all..

Anonymous said...

erm..I will take my handphone,my
savings and my 'PSP'.
I will take my handphone because i want to contact my friends and someone.
I will take my savings because i need to spend on my needs.
I will take my 'PSP' because i would want to kill off time.
Well...thats all..
Wesley Neo

Anonymous said...

i will grab nothing before i escape frem the fire because my live is more precious than any object.

Anonymous said...

Most likey , i would take my handphone , grab as much money as i can and my identity card of course .

Handphone - I can contact people if i need help .
Money - I would grab as much money as i can . I need it to survive outside !
Identity card - just in case , someone want to know who i am (:


Anonymous said...

Everyone’s anonymous because you guys didn’t sign in rights?

3 things that I will bring with me during a fire:
1) My mobile phone
Because, I need it to call the police and inform them before my house is completely burnt down.

2) Important documents
Such as e.g. Birth certificate and travelling card. My birth certificate is important as this is an important piece of information which many people needs when registering for important details such as e.g. migration. If I ever want to escape or migrate from this country, I won’t be stuck here for the rest of my life just because of a stupid birth certificate.

3) An extra jacket
This is to ensure that I have enough clothing when I’m cold. It’s also to wear in case I happen to get wet when the firemen happens to have poor shooting skills and attacks me.

This is all that I’ll bring. I might have thrown more things out of the window!


Anonymous said...

i will take my passport because it is important for my identification.
i will grab my handphone for contacting my cousins our situation and to contact the firemen
i will also grab my savings for foods and drinks

Thats all,

Anonymous said...

i will first take all my belongings and money not excluding my precious things that my parents bought for me for my birthady present.

YINGJIE said...

well , if my house is on fire , i would take :

1) my handphone - as i could contact people eg . relatives , friends .

2) my wallet which contains my money & identity card . - as i could go somewhere and eat with the money i have and the identity card for identification purposes .

3) my house keys - as i need my house keys to escape , otherwise how can i escape from my house ?

anyway , i'm done with my task . ((:

`` wanyingjie (17)

Anonymous said...

oops i did wrongly ..

Anonymous said...

I will bring along my birth certificate to prove myself that I am myself. I will also bring along my handphone to call police to inform them that my house is on fire. Lastly, I will bring my bank-book because it consists of all my savings.

Anonymous said...

I will take my birth certificate,my toy puppy and a towel. I will take my birth cert because it can prove my personal details. I will take my toy puppy because it was a birthday present from my mother when I was Primary One(It has been following me for six years so I cherish it very much).I will bring along my towel so that I can protect myself from the fire when I escape from my house.