Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Assignment 2 (Edited)

Edited: Thank you, Jurgen, for pointing out the error. It was a typo error, not a case of 'broken English'. (;

Read the short paragraph below and answer the questions that follow. The usual rules apply.

Deadline: 16 April 2008 (Wed), 11.00 pm


Willima's body was found floating in the water on the far side of the weir. It was presumed that he had fallen in, though it was not clear how he managed to be so far from the house. The other mystery was his clothes. All the costumes used for the living history project had been specially made by a local firm from modern fabric. But at the inquest an expert witness from a costume museum swore that William's clothes were about a hundred and seventy years old.

From Gone Fishing by Jean Richardson in Tales with a Twist

1) What were the two mysteries mentioned in this paragraph?
2) What do you think had actually happened?


Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are, on how did william managed to be so far from the house and the other mystery was his costume, they were about a hundred and seventy years old.

Willaim wanted to go to the river closest to Bardon Hall to fish, so he could have been seeing things which are not there for example, the two boys. And this lead him to his death.

For the costume they could have been left there for a long time by the owner of the house.

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are,how did William fell into the weir when the distance between the house to the weir is so far and the other mystery was the constume that he wore,an expert say his shirt was about a hundred and seventy years old.

William love fishing so when he reached the house he knew that somewhere there had a weir and so he maybe had imagine two unfamiliar boys going to fish and he joined them so this cause him to die.

Then about the costume,it could be the shirt of the owner who was dead so it look rather old.

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are why William's dead body managed to be so far from the house when it was presumed he had fallen in and the clothes which William wore was about a hundred and seventy years old.

The mistery about William's dead body found far from the house could have been because he had imagined things like the two boys and the boat,so,when he was imagining himself boarding the boat,the fell into the river and drowned.

The mistery about the clothes William wore could have been kept by the owner of the house to let it be his history.

Kim Min Jee(5)

Anonymous said...

The first mystery is,how did William's dead body managed to fell into the weir even though the distance between the two places were very far and the other mystery is about the hundred and seventy years old costume that William had worn.

William loved fishing and when he was about to find a place to fish,he could have saw the two boys fishing at a weir and joined them which could cause him to die.

For the costume,it could been left there by the previous owner.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are how did William could get so far away from the Bardon Hall and died.The other mystery was about his costume, the costume was about a hundred and seventy years old!

I think William was not interested about the history of the Bardon Hall so when his classmates had all dressed up like the people who living in the past,the Trust Lady find out William does not have a costume and she decided give William a real costume which is a hundred and seventy years old.When William finish changing the costume he found out he was alone,and he had a chance to run away to go to the river fishing,which is very close to Bardon Hall.But he was accidentely fall in to the river and died.The body was being flash away by water and that was why William managed to be so far from the Bardon Hall

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries were how william managed to get so far from the house and the other mysterie is his coustume even though all the other coustumes were made of mordern fabric William's was about a hundred and seventy years old. as William wanted to go fishing on the river he could have seen illusions like Luke and Matthew for example. As for the clothes they could left there by the owner before he died a long time ago

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are-- How William managed to be so far away from his house and why was he wearing the shirt that is hundred and seventy years old.

William wanted to go to the river to fish. For example, the might see two boys and this could lead him to his death. The shirt might be left in the house by the previous owner. William did not know that the shirt was left by the previous owner and he took the shirt to wear it.

Melissa Lim(10)

yogi said...


William's body was floating on the river. The other mystery was his clothes, which were about a hundred and seventy years old.

The two boys he seen might just be an illusion, it may be cause because he wanted to go fishing that badly and started imagining things. And went to the river by himself.

The clothes might jus be left on the chair without catching anybody's attention and might be left there for more than a century

yogi said...

Anyway miss tan your english quite broken. After a fullstop should be capital letter, see your 'it' after the first sentence.

Anonymous said...

The 2 mysteries were why William's body was found away from the home and why the Clothes that he wore were claimed to be made by modern fabric but was swore by experts that the clothes were over 100 years old.

The reason why William might be so far was maybe because the Home had 'ghost'. Becca once asked if there were ghost in the house but the trust lady replied suspiciously denying that, the clothes could be 100 years old and i think the Bardon home was keeping a secret that couldn't be told...

yogi said...


sorry that comment was left by JURGEN

Bel said...

The two mysteries are :

1) how did william manged to get so far from the house .

2) how did his clothes turn out to be a hundred and seventy years old .

Maybe it was just williams' illusions that he had seen the two boys which had then lead him to his death .

The clothes maybe an old shirt of the people which onced lived there .

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are how did William get so far away from the house and the clothes were made out of modern fabric but William's was about a hundred and seventy years old.

William might be really a pass person who died when he and Luke and Matthew went out to finish.

The clothes and some of the rooms might be haunted by some of the tragic death of the family.

Anonymous said...

I think the two mysteries are how William could managed to get so far away from the house and the other mystery is the costume he wore.He was found floating on the far side of the weir.How could he had seen Matthew and Luke and gone to fish with them?In my opinion,Matthew and Luke were just his imagination.The clothes he wore was hundred and seventy years old.The clothes might be worn by an unlucky owner because when William wore the clothes, bad luck immediately falls on him.

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are how did william managed to be so far from the house when he was presumed that he had fallen in and the clothes which william wore was about a hundred and seventy years old.

He imagined two boys and a boat. He imagined that he went fishinf with them so he board his imaginary boat with his imaginary friend, so he fell into the river and drown.

And the clothes he wore may be once worn by a person who is now dead.

lim sherlene 09

Anonymous said...

The first mystery that happened was how William actually was found dead floating in the river when he was supposed to be with the whole group of other twenty four students. The second mystery was that William’s clothes were actually an ancient age of a hundred and seventy, which was strange as the history project’s provided costumes were actually made by a local firm from modern fabrics. I think what had really happened was that William actually disappeared from the group but was however neglected and had gone unnoticed.

BERLIN (: [6]

Anonymous said...

erm.. is fishing* paiseh.. type wrongly!! hehheh =x

Anonymous said...

Task 1 :
a) The first mystery is that how did William manage to get to the water where his body was found floating which was very far from the house.
b) The second mystery is that all the costumes used for the project was specially made by a local firm from modern fabric but an expert witness from a costume museum swore that the clothes William is wearing is about a hundred and seventy years old.

Task 2 :
William who loved fishing was actually imagining that he had actually saw the two boys and when he was boarding the boat(which he was actually not)he drowned.
The owner of the clothes that William wore might have left it where William found at a hundred and seventy years ago.

aDaM aUnG mYiN m0n (19)
1D rAwKz---------------------------------------------

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are on how did william managed to be so far from the house and the other mystery was his costume, that were about a hundred and seventy years old.

Maybe it was just william's illusions that lead him to see Luke and Matthew which had then lead him to his death.

As for the clothes, The owner could have left it there before he died and William thought that it was the costume he was suppose to wear.

Jolene, (18)

Anonymous said...

Q1. The first mystery was that it was presumed that william
had fallen ill and the second was no one was sure how he
managed to be so far from the house .
Q2. I think william got lost of what was he doing but found his way back .

Anonymous said...

The two mysteries are :
- How William's body could have been so far away from the house .
- His costume . it could not have been a thousand year old costume .

William wanted to go fishing . However , he must have imagined that he had seen the two boys . In the end , he joined them , leading to his death .

For the costume , it may have been left there by the previous owner .

Anonymous said...

how i wish i did this a day before but i could not because of somethings .So unfortunate

Anonymous said...

the two mysteries are, how did William manage to be so far from the house and the other mystery was about his costume,the local firm claimed that all the costumes were made from modern fabric but an expert witnessed and swore that the costume William wore were about a hundred and seventy years old.
rene ng jun yi (13)
He could have heard where the river was from the two imaginary boys.

The shirt could have been passed down by the onwer of the house as the Trust lady just found the costume in a box which can be possible that the costume william wore was not be one of the others costumes that were made from mordern fabric.

Anonymous said...

sry the index no and name put at the wrong place!!


There were two mysteries.The first was how his body was how his body had floated far away from the Bardon hall and the second was his hundred and seventy year old costume.

I think that maybe when William had put on the costume,he was transported to the past..After he drowned,his corpse was then transported back to the present and floated away by the water currents.

For his costume,I think that 'something' had mysteriously placed it there.

Sorry for late work.;)

Wallace Wong(38)

Anonymous said...

the first mystery was how did William get so far down the weir and the second mystery was how did William's costume hundred and seventy years old?

i think the two boys, Luke and Matthew whom William meet at Bardon Hall, is and illusion or its the spirit of the two boys from the picture. the tow boys believe William was the William that was hundred and seventy years ago. so i think they cause the present William to be dead.

Anonymous said...

the first mystery was how did William get so far down the weir and the second mystery was how did William's costume hundred and seventy years old.

i think the two boys, Luke and Matthew whom William met at Bardon Hall, is an illusion or its the spirit of the two boys from the picture. The two boys believed William was the William that was hundred and seventy years ago. so i think they caused the present William to be dead.

Sorry. Grammar and typo error just now.

Anonymous said...

In the story, Lucy saw a picture of three boys near the fourposter. Lucy then thought- The middle boy looked like the spitting image of William.

William went fishing with the two other boys, just like it looked in the picture-William with two boys. As we all know, a terrible incident happened to the Bardon family that lead them to their death.

William was found wearing clothes that were about a hundred and seventy years old.

About that picture that Lucy saw, that picture might be haunted and it also looked like the spitting image of William.