Monday, April 21, 2008

Assignment 3

Edited: This is a reminder that you are NOT to use any vulgarities or derogatory terms. For this assignment, I have removed a post from one of you because of this.

Tell me about what you liked or disliked about the weekend that has just gone by.

Deadline: 21 April 2008 (Mon), 10 pm

The usual rules apply.

As we have agreed in class:
To get 2 marks, you must post before the deadline AND write in flawless English.
To get 1 mark, you must post before the deadline.
It is zilch for any posts after the deadline - unless you have informed me in person and I have agreed to allow you to extend the deadline.

Happy posting!



My weekend was fine and i disliked nothing.I like my extra badminton practice on the Saturdays in the late afternoon because i think of it as a reward for studying hard in the morning.

On Sundays,i would have a tuition in the mornings and continue revising for my other subjects after a hour long break.

Wallace Wong{38}

Anonymous said...

My weekend is boring except for two thing,watch japanese animation and play basketball with my god brother on Saturday.Then after the play,I went to tuition at plaza singapore there.

On Sundays,I was out with my primary friends to Vivo City and at night I went out with my family to eat.

yogi said...


My weekend was a normal one.
Studying on saturday mornings, taking breaks and watching televsion and doing online assignments on the computer. And i went for tution.

Well, on sunday mornings as usual i went to church, and then i went to play soccer at the later afternoon.

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fine.I just stayed at home and watch TV.The best was,my cousins came to my house for sleepover. As usual we played games,eat movie and sms to those that we thought are not asleep.We sms till about 3a.m in the night and slept.

On Sunday,we went to the beach and play volleyball.

Anonymous said...

My weekend , it was fantastic ! Especially on Saturday . I went to Rebecca's birthday party . It was super fun ! I enjoyed every bit of it . It was the best party ever !
Thankyou , Rebecca !

And on Sunday , i went to Bugis street with my family . I shopped and ate there .

Theres nothing i disliked .
I love the part when i went to Rebecca's party !

Anonymous said...

What I liked about my weekend was that I had the chance to be at Rebecca’s birthday party. It was tremendous fun! We had such a great time and our friendships were bonded further. We also had the chance to smear cake on Rebecca’s face. Oh wells, it was something you don’t do everyday. One thing which I disliked about my weekend was that I had little chance to go online and catch up with my friends. I had lost touch with some of my rather good primary school friends. Oh wells, you can't have it all in life!


Anonymous said...

The comment at 3.27 pm . Was by Tan Shi Yuan . I forget to put my name . SORRY .

Anonymous said...

I liked playing computer on my weekends and i disliked doing my revision for my exams but i know i must do it.

Chee Guan[33]

Anonymous said...

What i like on Saturday is having dinner with my cousins and relatives from my father's family side becuase i get to meet them only once a week.

On Sunday, i do not really like tuition for 3 hours of 2 subjects in a tuition centre. I like to rest in the evening becuase that is when i can really relax from my homework and assessments.

Melissa Lim(10)

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fine.
I like Saturday because I went to Rebecca's party with the Twins and Shi Yuan.We had loads of fun there,playing volleyball and swimming. We had pizza and chicken wings.
I dislike Sunday because I did not go out but stayed at home to revise my homework.

- Teo Jiamin [15]

Anonymous said...

My weekends are fine but I disliked the most was my maths tuition on saturday. actually, I am having another english tuition on the same day. however, due to the teacher was sick on that day, i did not have english tuition on that day.
on sunday, i had nothing to do so i used the computer to blog, friendster, msn. i had a quite enjoyable weekend.

YingJie (17)

Anonymous said...

My weekend was quite fun.8 girls, including me, from our class went to her birthday party.I had a great day spending my weekend on her birthday birthday.I like her party as i learned to play basket ball from Melissa, we had our last chance to play volleyball before the mid-year examination... Actually, we also played "water-catching".The best part of the birthday party was that we smashed her birthday cake on her face!

On Sunday,I went to Vivo city with my cousins,my mother and my aunty.We went there to eat and buy some ingredients for my F&N examination on the following day.I went back home and did my homework without hesitation.It was a tiring and a busy weekend...

Dian Rong(07)

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fun!I dislike those homework that always interupted me. However,I must force myself to do those "irritating homework" before my mother allows me to go out.

On Saturday, I went out with my sister.We went to Rebecca`s birtday party.Although it was not on the actual day of Rebecca`s birthday,I think we had given her a memorable party.There were eight girls ,include me, celebrated birthday for her.We played games or sportings like basketball, volleyball and swimming.We also sang birthday song for her and smashed the cake on her face.It was quite funny that her face was covered with creams but lucky she was not angry with us!

On Sunday,I went out with my mother,sister and aunt.We went to Vivocity to eat and did the rest of my homework.

Lim Dian Tian(08)

Anonymous said...

I went to Rebecca's birthday party on Saturday and it was great fun! Then, I stayed at home and studied on Sunday. I disliked nothing.

rebecca heng said...

My weekend was a very fun weekend especially Saturday because i celebrated my birthday!
Quite a few volleyball girls went and Zilia.
They bought me presents, made cards and bought me a cake which was smashed on my face.
We had a lot of fun swimming, playing volleyball and basketball.
We had awesome food too!
On Sunday i went to church and my friends also celebrated my bithday.
But i had to study too.

rebecca heng said...

the post by sadgirlbecky is

Rebecca Heng(2)

sorry forgot

Anonymous said...

My weekend was not bad.I did not have anything that I dislike in my entire weekend.

On Saturday i went to a chinese temble near Holland road to pay respect to my grandparents on what the chinese call "qing ming".

After visiting my deceased grandparents, I went to shop for groceries with my parents at Red Hill NTUC.Then i went home to study for the mid year examination

On Sunday, I went to Bukit Merah for Maths and English tuition from 10am to 1.15pm.

then i went for lunch and went to my cousin"s house till 8.00pm.

That should be all I did in my lastest weekend.

thks for reading and have a good day:]

Rene Ng (13)

Anonymous said...

I liked my weekend as i played table tennis after studying for one hour and play computer games for another hour.First,I was challenging my brother who actually is quite bad at the game.Soon after,I won him by 21-11 21-12.Then came my sister which is my second opponent.She was the champion of the condominium so she would be a tougher opponent. But against all odds ,I deafeated her in an intriging match the final score was 23-21 22-20.

On sunday,it was prety normal as i had to wake up early and directly after that i would have to go my grandparents house. While I was there I did the usual stuff which is use computer to play games and once I come home, i had to do another common thing which is studying.

Q:How come Marcus never go Rebecca's birthday party?Anyone know the answer can tell me

Anonymous said...

My weekend was quite already except for one thing and that is to get a new haircut.

Besides that,there was nothing exciting or boring that happened during my weekend.But I managed to enjoy some good quality time with my family and managed to revise on my homework.

Anonymous said...

What i liked about my weekend was...well actually nothing it wasin the top ten for "my most boring weekends" by me of course no one else has actually taken the survey except myself. What disliked aout the weekend was the weekend itself as the only thing i could do was revise, i couldn't even watch tv so it was the most fascinating forty eight hours i ever had, as if!

Anonymous said...

On Saturday, I did not went to any places as my little brother came down with high fever.I studied from day to night, of course with break of around one hour after every two hours of studying.
During the break, I would play my 'PSP' or have some snacks. Finally, I watch soccer matches on television.
I like watching the matches as it was exciting and I disliked studying but I know I have to do it.
On Sunday, I also did not go for any outings because of my little brother.
I hate it as my father planned last week that we would be going to East Coast with his friends.
I like playing field soccer with my primary school friends on Sunday I enjoyed it. We played for 3 hours and the score was 7-5.My team lost to the other team.

Adam Aung Myin Mon ~19~

Anonymous said...

sorry the word after disliked should be about not aout and the"wanin" should be was in.

Anonymous said...

On Friday i had a great time playing computer games with my bestfriend from my old school in jakarta and his brother they are also now my neighbours.
On saturday i had nothing to do but watch japanese animations,they are one of my only past times.Then I went to my tuition centre next to OG Mall.
On Sunday I went to the supermarket,it was really boring.
Andrew Tan

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fine and very normal.Go out with my friend play computer games and shopping online.The thing I like it very much was I learn how to use a new hero in Dota.
The thing that I dislike was,when I was shopping online I saw a game set which cost only $25 and it was the last set in that shop.When I was going to buy that game set another one guy buy it,so I could not buy because it was the last one! Hope I could find out another shop that sells that game set in a very low price!!

Anonymous said...

my weekend was pretty cool.i chilled out with some of my primary school friends on a glorious Saturday.We went to Sentosa and played some soccer,ate some fabulous food and went to shop for some things.On Sunday,i went to church as usual and attended tuition for about one and a half hours.

Bel said...

I liked my weekend alot .
Especially the home cooked food .
it was really tasty .

i don't really dislike anything about my weeked .

Anonymous said...

On Saturday, around 8 girls, (including me)went to Rebecca's party. It was really exciting and we all had great fun ! The best part of it was when we all smeared Rebecca's face with was really hilarious.

On Sunday, i went to cathechism class until noon and after that, went to have lunch outside with my family members. We then went back home and after resting, i played volleyball with my maid.

It was quite an enjoyable weekend. I loved it !
[ Zilia ]

Anonymous said...

I liked Saturday but not Sunday. On Saturday, I went to the Botanical Garden for girl guides. I had lots of fun. In the afternoon, I went out to eat lunch with my family members at Takashimaya. After I got home, I studied for my test.

On Sunday, I had tuition and studied without any playtime. Although I had rest time, it was only thirty minutes. At night, I went to tanglin mall with my mum to buy groceries for my F&N practical exam. It was tiring as I had to buy lots of stuff.

Kim Min Jee (5)

Anonymous said...

I had an enjoyable weekend. Firstly, it was because i got to see my primary school classmate and some other friends that i missed dearly. I had an delightful time in tuition too! After going to church on Sunday really helped make my troubles go away! What i disliked about the weekend was that i had to study for the mid year exams!


Anonymous said...

My weekend was boring and not much activity was taken place. On Saturday i went to my mother's friend's house. There was not much things to do expect for swimming.

On Sunday i revised my work and played computer games that i dowloaded.

Lim Yong Jie Darren(28)

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fairly great. I went to Youth Church on Saturday and especially liked it because my favorite and funniest pastor was preaching. I also ate a scrumptious meal with my family members. The thing is disliked was that I missed the Eco-concert but I knew going to church was a MUST so I erased it off my mind. I can go next year!!

Dylan (22)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Adding to my comment just now, those people i disliked and liked never changed so i don't really have things that i liked and disliked during this weekend.

limsherlene 09 1D

Anonymous said...

In my opinion,i enjoyed my weekend,but yet,yesterday,in preparation for today's home economics exam,i bought lots and lots of ingredients from NTUC.The moment i step into NTUC,i had a bad stomachache.On that day,i felt that it was my most unlucky day!On Saturday,i spent most of my time revising for my exams.

Anonymous said...

My weekend was fine.My aunt's dog came to stay at my house.We brought the dog down to the void deck often.We were playing with the dog happily.

On Sunday,we also brought the dog out to play.After playing,we brought the dog along to have dinner.

Wesley Neo

Anonymous said...

my weekend is very horrible,i have to stay at home teaching my little brother and the worst part is after that i still cannot take a break and have to study on my own.
The good thing is that i can play computer games and go out for lunch for some entertaining purposes of course


Anonymous said...

My weekend was as boring as ever. During Saturday, I do my homework from 9am til 12pm. Then at 1pm, I have my tuition til 3pm. After my tuition, I went home straight and watched television programmes. after watching the programmes, I went to play computer games. Then on Sunday, the morning and afternoon i stayed at home, very boring, then at evening, I went jogging with my family and after the jog, we had our dinner at the nearby coffee shop. After the meal, I was expecting to go shopping somewhere else but it turned out my dad wants me to study at home because of the mid-year-exam coming soon. This coming exam is really giving me alot of stress and I hope it will be over soon and the results will at least reach my expectations.

Reedyoh said...

I enjoyed my weekend as i visited my friends school and finally get to meet my old friends again...We had fun together and we were happy...the performance was great as they were meaningful as they rap or sing the message to save the earth...I was touched by the performances...It was totally enjoyable.On Sunday,i went out with my mum as we did not go out for a long time with my mum as she was overseas for a month...I hope my weekends could continue to be as fun!

Kendrick Chuah