Monday, April 28, 2008

Save Our Environment

Hi, people. My apologies for posting this up a little later than usual.

Referring to the story My Corner by Jennifer Szostak (February issue of Cricket), share what you can do to help keep our environment clean and green. You are to post between 80 and 100 words.

Deadline: 28 April 2008 (Mon), 11.00 pm

Remember the rules! :)


Anonymous said...

The earth is getting hotter and hotter and one day it would be too hot for any organism to survive.

I would like to encourage more people to reuse and recycles items like paper(not tissue paper of course)cans or metal tins.I will also like to tell my family members not to buy any products that produces ccf and ccf is the cause of holes in the ozone layer which protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays from the sun.

I will clean up all the litter I see to keep the environment clean for everyone to play, work and learn in.I will plant as many plants and flowers to make the environment more beautiful and green.The more plants i grow the healthier the air is for us to breathe in.

i will also write letters to factories to complain to them about all the harful gases or harmful substances the had released and caused the air and water to be polluted.

Basically, I would do this few things only as them or I do less people will care for their environment and put in effort to save the environment of the next generation to live in.

rene ng (13)

Anonymous said...

when can we get back the 2 compositions that we wrote???

Anonymous said...

I will encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle papers, bottles,and other recycable items.

I will plant more trees so the environment will be greener and the trees will absorb the carbon dioxide during phtosynthesis so global warming will be stopped

I will not litter anywhere so the place will be a better place for people to live.

I will also use less non-biodegradable items so people will not release harmful gases.

Tan Chee Guan


IF we don't stop using CFC products which destroys the Ozone layer,the Earth will get much hotter each day. The after-effects are melting the ice caps which increases the height of the sea level flooding many areas and
increases the percentage of people getting skin cancer.

I would try to encourage people to reduce, recycle and reuse paper glass and other things which can be recycled.

I will not litter so that the people will have a nicer place to look at than looking at an eye sore.

I will try to stop using
non-biodegradable materials.


Wallace Wong(38)

Oops sorry,forget to put name.

Anonymous said...

I will call my family and neighbours to buy recycled items that does not produce ccf as it will damage the ozone layer and that will cause the harmful rays from the Sun to reach and we will get skin cancer.

I will plant more green plant to make the enviroment fresh,I will also pick up any litter I see in order to make the enviroment clean.

Then when i grow up i will sure write letter to complain factories as it produce a lot of harmful gases to the enviroment and will also produce acid to the river and that will cause fishes to die.


jiaqi said...

I would strongly encourage all the people in the Earth to reuse,reduce and recycles items like paper,plastic bag and metal tins.

I would also pick up littters on the ground and throw them into rubbish bin or I can reuse them like if it is a metal tin I would change it into a flower pot.

I would also write letters or tell my friends do not or use lesser of the non-biodegradable items to save our environment.

I would strongly dissaggree that factories cut down forest so I would complain to the factoty .

Anonymous said...

Animals' habitat are destroyed when that place is dirty.Therefore,to prevent this from happening,we will have to stop littering.

I will write a poster about the harmful effects on us when we litter.I would also encourage people to reuse,reduce and recycle.I think discussing with the manager to how we can stop littering from taking place can also help.

In my part,i will clean up litters when i see them and i will encourage others to participate in anything regarding keeping the earth clean and green.

Kim Min Jee(5)
91 words

trooper said...

People once thought that Earth was a vast place of wild beauty.No matter what they do to it,it will heal itself.Earth seems much smaller then before.Many habitats are under threat of destruction.
We are going to be the ones who will suffer if we continue to throw things alway without thinking how we can reuse it again because of gobal warming which can cause gobal meltdown.Use the 3R system and do not waste eletricity.It will cause the the ozone hole to be bigger.We all plays an important roles in helping our earth to live into the future.If not,we will lose them forever.
Think twice before you throw your things alway,we can always recycle them or give it to the poor.Save our mother nuture.

trooper said...

forgot my name..Joyce Lim Li Ling (4)

Reedyoh said...

I would plant more plants and try to use more biodegradable items so when i throw them away,it would not give out so much harmful gases...

I would encourage people to reuse and recycle items and clean up the litter around us and not leave it thre like it is none of our business...

I would encourage less factory works as they release gases that pollute the air we breathe in.

I will try my best to save the earth!

Kendrick Chuah(25)

Anonymous said...

Many people litter everyday without sparing a thought for the consequences. They pollute the air and water as well.

People should recycle metal, paper and other recycable items. We should not use CFC products as they contribute to global warming which causes the ice caps to melt. This will result in flooding.

When we chop down trees, animals lose their habitats and the air will not be fresh.

I strongly encourage everybody not to litter or pollute the environment and recycle items when possible. We have to save the environment.

yogi said...

The weather is getting very terrible, the temperature is getting higher and higher. Everytime i take a bath, i will get sweaty very soon. And this is all caused by human activity, cutting down of trees, more carbon dioxide, and the temperature getting higher and higher.

So i would strongly encourage human to cut lesser trees, use both sides of papers. Reuse, recycle and reduce. There are many things human could do to help getting the world from getting more sick. Reduce using so much elecricity, just take a short shower instead of a long bath. Recycle used paper or tins, reuse water from washing rice to flush the toilet.

I will plant more trees and flowers to make the environment more colouful and green. Switch off water taps in public when i see it switched on, introduce save water campagin.


Anonymous said...

The Earth will end up like a second hand junkyard if we continue to litter .

I would reduce throwing rubbish because if there's too much rubbish , they would have to burn them due to the space we have and the smoke from the burning would be polluting the air .

I would recycle things like plastic bottles , cans and maybe glass . That way , we can ruduce rubbish and save money making new bottles and cans .

I would also turn on the air condition lesser times because it produces CFCs which would make the hole bigger in the ozone layer .

This is the least I can do to save the environment and I hope other people would also spare a thought for the environment we are living in .

- Teo Jiamin(: (15)

Anonymous said...

The Earth is getting hotter everyday due to global warming,as a result of that one day we might not be able to live on the Earth and since none of the eight planets can support life the human race and all living organisms will die off.

I would encorage people to start doing the three R's which is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

I will also encourage the save water campaign so that water will not be wasted as it is a valuable resource.

I will also off all the sockets of electrical apliances when not in use as leaving them in the stanby tymode still uses electricity.

Anonymous said...

erm the first word is ''Burning'' not ''uBurning''

By jolene

Anonymous said...

I think we should practice the 3"R's" which are reduce, reuse and recycle.Base on these three points, we can save the earth from global warming and pollution.

We can practice the 3"R's" on items like paper, tins, bottles and other items that can be recylced.I will discourage people from using non-biodegradable materials.

I will not litter the place as it will be more comfortable living in a clean envoirnment.

I will plant more green plant to make the enviroment fresh, i will pick up litter if i see it on the ground to make the envoirnment clean.

Lim Yu Xuan Melissa[10]

Anonymous said...

As the earth gets stained by some of us who throw our rubbish on the floor just because we are lazy to throw it into the dustbin.
I encourage people to keep as much of nature as possible or we might just lose all of population of animals and plants.
We should take some time off our busy timetable and admire god s creation.We might just come to love nature and stop global warming from happening.

Andrew Tan (35)

Anonymous said...

Due to the rubbish we burned,the atmosphere is being damaged.Thus the earth gets hotter and hotter.

The iceberg in the north and south pole will start to melt and the water level will start to rise.Soon,the whole earth would be flooded.

I would start encouraging other people to throw their into recycle bins.I would also pick up any litter on the ground and throw it away.

I hope this would no longer harm our earth.


rebecca heng said...

i will follow the three "r"s-reduce, reuse and recycle.
i would throw paper waterbottles and glass into their respective recycling bins. i would use paper on both sides not to waste paper and i may use magazines and newspaper to do my art project.
i would use recyclable containers so that i can reuse it and not throw it away.

i would do my part to keep the Earth clean starting from cleaning up my bedroom and my classroom.
rebecca heng(2)

Anonymous said...

Every time you'll see young kids throwing rubbish all over a place. It also applies to our class, if you can't keep our own property clean, how can we save the earth. Its very hard to turn the earth back to what it use to be. But if we do our part in conserving and teaching what is right.

REDUCE: Sometimes I think we should have more rubbish bins because now a days, people tend to be more lazy to walk a far distance to throw a piece of tissue paper. Another way is to stop roadworks as it uses up a lot of energy and give out bad gases.

RECYCLE: I notice that our school doesn't have any recycling bin and that is a bad issue. All schools should have recycling bin so that pupils will at least take the initiative to recycle.

REUSE: Most of the time I will see my mom using water used ti wash rice to water the plants.

But everything that had happen and is happening will all come back to us. Men, created technology, technology wasted energy.

RECYCLING, REDUCING and REUSING should be a habit, not a chore!!

Dylan wong

Anonymous said...

I will encourage others to pratice the 3R's(Reuse,Reduce and Recycle).

I will make an effort to pick up any litter that I see while encouraging others not to litter so that other people can have a nice place to walk on or carry out their daily lives.

I will plant more trees and plants so that these livings can beautify the surrondings while helping us to purify the air we breathe in.

These are the few things I will do to save the environment and create a better future for the future generation.

Anonymous said...

Firstly,i shall pick up all the litters that i see on the ground and throw them into the recycling bin if they can be recycled.Then,in order to make the environment more green,i will plant more green plants.If the place gets more dirty,i will find my friends to clean up the place.The bottles that i bought from drinks stalls,i will throw them into the recycling bins.Then,i will encourage my friends not to throw rubbish into drains as it will cause water pollutions.

Anonymous said...

It is our responsibility to keep our environment clean. A clean environment reflects the aesthetic needs of Singaporeans, and ultimately, of Singaporeans ourselves.

Instantly stop the burning of all fossil fuels then start replenishing all of the flora and fauna that was here before mankind started consuming it for themselves.

We must not litter so as to have a more comfortable living in a cleaner environment. If i see any litter on the ground, I would pick them up to make the environment litter-free.

I will plant more green plants to make the environment fresher.

I will encourage people to practise the 3R's - Reduse, Reuse & Recycle. Try to recycle things such as paper, bottles, cans and many other items.

Many, many more! So many ways to keep the environment clean and green, there's no excuse not to do at least a few every day.


Anonymous said...

I would be environmental friendly by reducing the usage of plastic bags which produces harmful gases when it is burnt.
I would tell my parents,relatives and friends to buy things that are free of CFC(chlorofluorocarbon) which is a harmful gas that create holes in the earth's o-zone layer.
When the o-zone layer have a hole, UV(ultraviolent) rays from the sun will come into the Earth which causes global warming.
When there is global warming, icebergs will melt and the sea level will increase so floods will occur.
I would not litter and I would ask other people not to litter as well because even a small part counts when saving the Earth.

Adam Aung Myin Mon `19`

Anonymous said...

The reason why the weather is getting hotter is because global warming is getter from bad to worse. From some of the daily electricity expanses, you can actually save more electricity just by a flick of the switch!

1)Switching off the fan when not in use.
2)Not charging your mobile phones overnight.

Whereas this is what you can do at home, there’s definitely some that you can do out of the house

1)Not littering
2)Recycling plastics, paper and glass

These are just the little things. So, obviously, to be able to prevent this horrid global warming from getting bad to worst, we should study hard now, so that we would learn about the Earth, so that in the process of understanding, we would know how to protect the Earth too. You’ll definitely avoid stupid mistakes at all cost!

PS: If you ask me why are we doing all these, think about this; where are your poor child/ grandchildren/ great grandchild going to stay? They could not possibly be wearing UV rays protection suit all day long. It is most injustice and torturing.


Bel said...

I would help by not littering , and throwing all the rubbish into rubbish bins .

I would recycle plastic bottles , glass bottles and newspapers to help save the environment .

If i would happen to see litter on the floor , i would also pick them up and throw it in the bin . So that people around me can have a better environment .

Other than all that , i had encouraged the people around me to recycle and reuse things that can be recycled and reused . Like , for example , newspapers , bottles , drinking cans and all th other things i have mentioned eariler.

I hope all this things that i have done had helped us live in a better environment .

belinda [11]

Anonymous said...

Firstly we need to train ourselves to throw away our own litters. Do not throw them on floors or into drains or sea as it will cause pollution.Try to throw those rubbish that can be recycled into those recycling bins. After training ourself to throw away our own litters, we can help others by picking up those litters on the floor even though those litters does not belongs to you. In order to make Singapore a clean and green enviroment, we need to plant more green plants around. We need to encourage or remind our friends not to litter and pollute the enviroment.

Anonymous said...

i think we should save paper by not playing with it and just throw it away like that.We should at least use it for studying purposes.

We should also tell those smokers not to throw their cigarette buds on the ground just like that and should throw it in the rubbish bin

Factories should also not just dump those chemicals into the river and should keep it until there is a suitable place for them to throw it to because the river is a beautiful sight when there are chemicals in it,imagine how people will feel.

Wivaldy lee 1D

Anonymous said...

I can try to save the environment by throwing not littering and throwing rubbishs and picking ups rubbish and throw it into the respective rubbush bins.

I will also not pour harmful chemicals onto the ground as it might be corrosive and destroy our environment.

I will also water the plants everyday and giv the plants fertilizer to let it grow better and healthier.

Anonymous said...

We should stop littering and start saving the earth. global warming and other disasters like a hole in the ozone layer could affect the whole world.

I could not litter and recycle, reuse and reduce waste materials. I would also ask my friends and neighbours not to litter or spoil the environment.

Factories should lower down the amount of fume it is belching out now as it has put a hole in our ozone layer.

I would think twice before i do something as somethings might affect the earth.

Anonymous said...

Lim Yong Jie Darren (28)
Sry if u see my comments repeating and forgotten write my name.

Anonymous said...

People, such as woodcutters, are destroying the environment by cutting trees down. They don't know what harm can be done to the environment and may even costs our lives.

As we know, minerals such as coal, petrol, fuel and other vitamins provided by lakes, volcanoes and other sources are grown in the environment. Taking care of the environment is like saving a live. Without trees and plants, ( which produce oxygen for survival to living things ) can lead us to death.

Another example is people throwing their rubbish anywhere. Rubbish can form harmful gases and it also pollutes the air if we don't throw them in the right place. The more harmful gas there is, the more plants and living organisms will die. I would pick up any rubbish and throw them in the bin.

If we don't save the environment now, our future will be soon gone. The only way is to start now.

Zilia Ng [12]

Anonymous said...

i will throw all the litter i see into the rubbish bins.i will also conduct a talk to encourage more people to reuse,recycle and reduce.after all of these are done,i will then write a letter to the various car companies to stop using fuel.this is environmentally harmful and would result into pollution.i would rather suggest to use a electronically powered car.
The environment is very important and everyone should do their part to save it.

Anonymous said...

I will not litter as litter will destroy the environment. I also think that the factory should not be belching their fumes out to the atmosphere as it would be polluting the air.

We should not be cutting more trees as we need more trees to replenish the oxygen supply in the earth. We should use recycled paper and recycled items to reduce the impact of global warming.

Global warming will cause the temperature in the earth to increase by 6 degress per year.With the increase of the earth's temperature, polar ice caps and glaciers will melt, causing the rise in sea level.This will cause flooding and many people will die.

Thus i believe that we should reduce the impact of global warming by using more recyclable items.

Quek Wee Yang 1D

Anonymous said...

People just throw rubbish on the floor and does not care where they threw.

They either can throw it into a dustbin or a recycle bin.Advertistments have been put up to encourage people to reuse,reuse and recycle.Some people would not care about this and they think the advertistment is nothing.

I think these people should think again.If they continue these acts,our world may turn into a junkyard.I encourage people to reduse the usage of using non-biodegradable items such as plastics.We can do our part by just picking up a litter we see and throw them in the bin.

tressa teo (16)